Stone Church pf England Combined School

'Love one another as I have loved you' (John 13:34-35) Helping each other to reach for the stars


We are a 1 form entry combined school, which means we have 1 class in each year level from Reception up to Year 6. We have a capacity of 210 children. 

During Autumn Term, we offer lots of tours of the school for prospective reception parents. These dates will be shared on our website at the start of September. If you would like to book a tour of the school, please contact admin@stone.bucks.sch or call on 01296 748340

Life at Stone Church of England Combined School

EYFS 2025 School Tour

Do you have a child starting school in September 2025 or know someone whose child is and they are considering Stone? We have 4 tour dates for prospective parents to come and look around the school.

EYFS 2025 Intake Tour Dates:

  • 27th September 10am
  • 7th October 10am
  • 8th November 10am
  • 18th November 10am

Please call the office to book a space on one of the tours: 01296 748340


stone church of england combined prospectus 2 .pdf

Application Process

Applications and appeals for school places are made directly through the Buckinghamshire County Council Website. For more information, please click the link to the County's website. 

County Website 

Your child will begin a full time place in school, in the September of the year in which they will have their fifth birthday.
Stone C of E School is a Voluntary Controlled School. The admissions policy can be found at:

Admission Policy 


Places are allocated strictly in the following order of priority:

  • Children who have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) which names the school.
  • Children in Public Care.
  • Children living within the catchment area of the school.
  • Siblings of children who will be in attendance at the school on the date of admission.
  • Children with exceptional medical or social needs, supported by written evidence from a relevant authority.
  • Children attending a primary school linked to the school named in the list of ‘linked primary schools’.
  • Once the above criteria have been applied, then any further places will be awarded according to the distance between the family’s home address and the school’s nearest gate.
  • The Governors are pleased to admit children from outside the catchment area indicated above when numbers allow.

Moving up to Secondary School

Transitioning from Primary school to Secondary school is indeed a significant milestone in your child's educational journey and we are committed to ensuring that the transition is smooth and successful.

Your child will visit their new secondary school in July. 

Please find all the information you need about applying to secondary school on the Buckinghamshire Council website: Applying for Secondary School

Key secondary school admission dates: 

Date Event

6 September 2023

Online applications open

13 October 2023

Secondary Transfer Test results day (if the test was taken by 14 September)

31 October 2023

Deadline to submit your child’s application

1 March 2024

School offer day

Secondary Transfer Tests are published by GL Assessments. GL Provide free familiarisation on their website:

More information and details about the testing process can be found on the Buckinghamshire Grammar Schools website:

You may find the FAQ section of the Buckinghamshire Grammar Schools website useful: