Subject Leader: Mrs R Hale
If you would like more information about this subject, please contact the office at stoneadmin@stone.bucks.sch.uk - FAO the subject leader.
Intent and Implementation
history intent implementation and impact.pdf
Long Term Planning and Sticky Knowledge
Please find the Long Term Plan and end of unit knowledge we want the children to know by the end of each taught unit. This knowledge is revisited throughout the year and into other years groups.
history long term plan 23 24.pdf
Progression of Knowledge and Skills
history progression of skills and knowledge.pdf
KS2 Timeline:
By teaching history in chronological order, we aim to deepen the children's understanding of time and how events are connected. For example, in Year 3, we start with the Stone/Bronze Age and then later explore the fascinating world of the Egyptians. These two historical periods occurred around the same time, and we encourage the children to draw connections between them.
In our lessons, we prompt the children to think like historians by reflecting on what they already know about a particular time period. We encourage them to question their knowledge and explore how people lived during that era. By comparing similarities and differences between different historical periods, the children gain a richer insight into the past.
We believe that this approach not only enhances the children's historical knowledge but also improves their critical thinking and analytical skills. By making connections between different periods in history, the children develop a more comprehensive understanding of the past and how it has shaped the world we live in today.