Love one another as I have loved you’ (John 13: 34-35) helping each other to reach for the stars.

Overview - Impact

The impact of our curriculum is that children develop detailed knowledge and skills across the curriculum including literacy and maths skills which enables them to achieve well. This is reflected in our year6 SATs assessments, last published in 2019:

As a result of our curriculum, children read widely and often with fluency and comprehension and have a good vocabulary. They develop the skills, knowledge and cultural capital that they need to reach their full potential and become independent, life long learners able to succeed in life.

The children develop a love of books and are able to use reading to support their learning and future learning across the curriculum. Our curriculum ensures that the children are ready for the next stage of the education.

The impact of our 3principles which underpin the curriculum is that children develop the skills that allow them to be:

- caring members of the community.
- effective, resilient and responsible life-long learners.
- mentally healthy and able to look after their own mental health and well-being.